
Judge, A. (2020) A formula for expanding Consciousness : An Anishinaabe Man’s Journey. In Trimmer, K., Hoven, D., & Keskitalo, P. (Eds.). (2020). Indigenous postgraduate education: Intercultural perspectives. IAP.

Hatala, A. R., Bird-Naytowhow, K. & Pearl, T., Judge, A., Sjoblom, E., & Leibenberg, L. (2017). “I have strong hope for the future”: Time orientations and resilience among Canadian Indigenous youth. Child Development.

Hatala, A. R., Bird-Naytowhow, K., Pearl, T., Judge, A. (2017). Ceremonies of Relationship: Engaging urban Indigenous youth in community-based research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

Hatala, A. R., Waldram, J. B., Caal, T., Cal, V., Judge, A. (Forthcoming). Maya Cosmovision: Exploring formative processes of Q’eqchi’ medical worldview and ethos. Anthropologica.